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GRR Number: 13-078

I am completely heartbroken to say that we had to say goodbye to our little Stella bear on May 2.

As many of you know, Stella came to us as a Gold Ribbon Rescue foster dog (Gretta 13-078). Stella was in terrible shape when she came in and had two surgeries immediately after entering GRR care. While my intentions were to nurse her back to health and help her find her forever home, her silly personality and strange antics grew on me and Jordan and she soon became our dog!

Stella had never seen a tennis ball (much less know what to do with one), had never been for a swim, had teeth so broken that the wind moving by her face hurt, and what seemed like her 1 millionth litter of puppies. The way she would dance and hop for breakfast and dinner makes me think she didn't get those meals regularly--- but boy was she cute! I couldn't believe someone could do this to a dog!!

Not long after we adopted Stella, she underwent yet another surgery to provide comfort for the broken teeth. I'd never seen her as happy as the day we scooped her from the vet with her new toothless smile... and a smile it was.. from ear to ear! Soon after, Stella enjoyed everything from camping trips, chasing a ball (and some times bringing it back), swimming at our fav spot, Emma Long, running scared from the waves, long walks and loads of adventures with Karen (my Mom who was there the day we picked Stella up from Margo's and there every day since)!! She proudly sat in the front seat of the car every ride and every Monday as we headed to Karen's for dinner.

It was not an easy day to find out that Stella had the big C... two more surgeries later, we thought we'd be good to go only to find another tumor. Shortly thereafter, Stella had some kind of neurological event. The vet thinks she had a seizure. Regardless of following all recommended paths of healing from our wonderful vet, Stella never recovered and her condition worsened.

We did everything we could for this sweet girl... even let her sit on our heads and pant in our face and eat the walls when it would thunder. No matter how many vet visits we took or how many routes we took for her care, Stella went down hill these last 3 weeks with multiple new issues surfacing... and she went downhill fast.

Our poor girl fought as long as she could... and waited for me and Jordan to say goodbye before she crossed the rainbow bridge. You are finally free from all your pain, Stella. I am so sorry this happened to you, Stella... and while my heart hurts bad right now, I don't think I'd have it any other way. You were SO sweet and SO loved and I am SO grateful for the opportunity to make your last 3 years of life the best ones you ever had!!

Thanks to everyone who has always put up with my priorities... Stella was always #1 when making plans or decisions... Thanks for hanging with me at home while she healed from surgeries... for taking her camping with us... and for being there for us as we said our last goodbyes....

Our house may be empty and our hearts broken in half but our hearts will also be full forever having Stella in our lives....

Kim and Jordan Caulfield