GRR 06-109 Layla
Status: Memorial
Mike and I adopted Layla in October 2006 and we lost her on September 25, 2015.
Layla was our fifth golden and third rescue golden. I’ll always remember driving to San Antonio to meet, and of course adopt, Layla. We arrived at the foster family’s home and they introduced us. Layla was 2 years old, underweight at 41 lbs, timid, shy, scared ---- and I fell in love with her in about 60 seconds. We drove back to Austin and while Bella, our other golden slept the entire way, Layla looked out the window the entire way. We pulled into the garage, opened the car door and Layla bolts --- it’s 10:00 at night and Layla is now running down the street with my husband running after her. I was worried we’d lost her; but 5 minutes later, Mike comes carrying Layla. Unfortunately, this was the first of many times that Layla bolted during the first 12 months --- carrying groceries in and out goes Layla, talking to someone at the front door and Layla squeezes between my legs, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas – no holiday was complete without Layla bolting.
Other than bolting, Layla was perfect. Over time, Layla grew into a happy, secure golden. Happiness was seeing the leash as Layla knew that a walk was coming. Get the suitcases out and she was over-the-top when she understood that she was going too. Layla loved prowling around her backyard, sitting in the sun and scratching her back while kicking all four legs and rolling down a grassy hill. She came along way from the underweight, timid golden that we adopted.
While all goldens are special, Layla Belle captured a piece of my heart in a very special way. She could read my emotions better than anyone and she knew how to make me smile. I think Layla’s favorite thing in the world was to just be with us. Course treats were pretty good too.
Layla developed a neurological issue very quickly which Dr. Winston felt was a brain tumor. After several awful days and nights, Mike and I knew it was time to say good bye. We had Layla for 9 wonderful years and I have lots of heartwarming memories of this sweet girl. We loved you so and wish you didn't have to go, but we will see you again Layla. ...someday.